wedding shows
White Impact

Wedding shows White Impact  

The new style for each and every wedding.

I always loved to take the time to experience the spaces, I always loved to imagine how I could change everything and make it a dream place. I did it since ever! I think I was born with this instinct of creating visual fairytales.

My background is in mass media communication and specialization in Public relations, events are my home. Thinking of my dream job I knew I wanted to be part of this world, so the step into the weddings was quick at the age of 25.

I created with Paula the first professional wedding planner company in the Algarve, and from then on I experienced all the areas of the weddings. During this 10 years I have worked in many weddings and with many brides, and I felt the need to make every of our weddings special and beautiful.

For all the reasons we decided to create White Ideas atelier by Karina Sousa, as the name says our boutique atelier creates dreams for ours couples.

Together, me and the couple, create the inspiration board for the day, from the color to the decoration items, all is thought and inspired in each one taste and personality. Being an experienced wedding planner and stylist, I know what to advice and how to create the perfect scenario for the big play.

On our White Impact wedding show me and our invitee Branca Franqueira another very well know Portuguese high society stylist will be sharing some thoughts about the best way to style a wedding, and believe me you don’t need thousands of euros, what is needed is good taste and experience. Everyone is welcomed to seat around our sofa and speak about their ideas and doubts in a very relaxed environment. Don’t miss it!

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